1. Log into the Portal and navigate to the Payment Pages tab.
2. Use the blue 'Add Payment Page' button to add a new payment page.
3. Once the page appears in your list of payment pages, click into the small pencil in the 'Detail' column to enter the page settings.
4. Select the type of page you'd like to build: hosted form or embedded form.
5. Select your template.
6. Add optional template features: goal thermometer, option for donors to cover processing fees, and an amount totaler at the bottom of the page. The amount totaler and option for donors to cover processing fees are added to every page by default, so you'll need to uncheck the boxes if you don't want them on the page.
Campaign goal thermometer
Cover card fees option and totaler
7. Configure your amounts area, set an optional minimum amount and write your main headline and page text. We've added some amounts in the most common configuration (an array of suggested amounts, with several options for recurring frequency below) but there are several options.
a. Suggested Amounts and Recurring Options (most common and set by default)
b. Separate Suggested Amounts by Recurring Frequency
c. Open Amount Field and Recurring Options
Diagram of page settings fields on page
8. Set up your custom fields. We offer a checkbox, a text box, and a longer text box that fits more text. You can add as many custom fields as you'd like.
Example custom fields on page
9. Optional: add honorarium gift options to your page. This option is selected by default, but can be removed from the page by unchecking the box in the settings pane. The honorarium options on the page allow the donor to make a gift donation or honorarium donation and send a message to the recipient.
Honorarium options on a payment page
10. Set your confirmation page options. You can add an image, text, sharing buttons (so your donors can share your donation page with their extended networks), or just redirect the donor to a confirmation page on your own website.
Example confirmation page
11. Set your receipt options. You can set your receipt email subject, headline and text, your reply-to email address and name, and BCC any addresses you'd like.
If you would like to add images or donor-specific text to your receipt, our text editor takes the following html data placeholders:
Just use the whole tag where you want the relevant info to appear, i.e. 'Dear {{billing_name_first}}, thank you for your contribution!'
Please note: the {{amounts_breakdown}} placeholder produces a paragraph of text that describes the purchases that makeup the total. For instance, "You purchased 10 'Car Raffle' tickets for $1.00 each, and you added $1.35 to help cover processing costs.".
To add line breaks, use <br>.
For images, upload the image you'd like to use in your receipt to your site, then add it using the url. In the receipt text, where you would like the image to go, add the following: <img style=“margin:20px” src=“URL OF IMAGE HERE”>
12. Activate your campaign! Pages are live and ready to process payments immediately after they're created. We recommended testing your donation process from start to finish before you send out an email to your donors or fully launch your campaign, but once you've checked things over, you're good to go. If you have an embedded form, embed the code on your site. If you've selected a hosted form, be sure to link it up to your website immediately. Happy fundraising!
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