DonationPay launched a new version of our online fundraising platform in late 2013- our platform now operates through merchant accounts from banking partner IATS Payments, and has it’s own payment gateway: the DonationPay Portal. Our team no longer supports Paysafe accounts and does not develop new features on that platform. If your organization signed up with us before 2013, you'll need to upgrade your account to access our contemporary features.
After January 1st, 2018, we will no longer make page updates or other changes to your account until you've upgraded to our supported platform. Please contact your account rep for details or to start the upgrade process.
We are offer an $84/month discount to clients moving over to our new system from the old one- you'll receive our Unlimited service tier for our Starter package price, which brings your cost approximately even with what you were paying on our older platform. The only feature not covered in the discount is our Peer-to-Peer platform, which you'll need to purchase the full-priced Unlimited tier service to access. For pricing and new feature details or to set up a demo, please visit our site here:
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